Guest Coach Protocols
In order to receive approval to guest coach, the following steps must be followed:
- Contact Skating Manager, Courtney Walker for approval at least 48 hours in advance for approval and to sign the Facility Use Agreement as required
- Submit proof of:
- Coach Compliance (successfully passed background screen and completion of SafeSport Training)
- Verification of current coach liability insurance
- Certificate holder must list:
Great Park Ice & FivePoint Arena, Irvine Ice Foundation, The Rinks Foundation, Ice Management LLC, H&S Ventures LLC, City of Irvine, Orange County Great Park Corporation, their respective agents, officers, and employees. Attn: Jesse Campell
Irvine Ice Foundation
888 Ridge Valley
Irvine, CA, 92618
- Certificate holder must list:
- To view the full insurance requirements, click here
- Register here in our DaySmart system
- Pay $57 Guest Coaching Fee BEFORE taking the ice
- LOG IN to your account
- Select "Memberships & Passes" on the left side of the screen
- Click "Add Membership"
- Select "Guest Skating Coach"
- Approved Guest Coaches may visit Great Park Ice a maximum of one time per week
- All coaches must check-in daily prior to teaching. Click here to check-in.