Time to become a member of AYFSC!
You did it! You spun, jumped, swizzled and twizzled through Learn to Skate and now you're ready to begin your journey in competitive figure skating!
All Year Figure Skating Club (AYFSC) is a member club of U.S. Figure Skating. A U.S. Figure Skating (USFS) membership is required for figure skaters who intend to compete in any USFS competitions or test at any USFS levels. Skaters are recommended to become Club members when joining the Great Park Ice Skating Academy.
The perfect membership to get you started is the Bridge Membership, which comes with a variety of skating benefits including:
- Privileges to skate on Club sanctioned ice sessions, exhibitions, special events and participate in any USFS Competition
- Participation in any and all Club social functions
- Subscription to SKATING Magazine (one per household)
- Coverage under USFS sports accident insurance policy
- Full membership voting rights
Please note:
- Fee: $35
- Membership year is from July 1 - June 30th
- You must provide your Learn to Skate registration number to become a member
- Additional family members may join for $25 each
- Please note - You can only be an introductory member during ONE membership season (July 1st - June 30th) then full club membership is required
Not a Learn to Skate USA member? You can join as an Introductory Member!
The Introductory Membership is offered to first time individual skaters who have never been members of USFS and plan to test and/or compete at any and all USFS levels. Membership includes full membership voting rights.
Fee: $50
* Additional family members can join for additional $35 each
Upcoming AYFSC Test Sessions at Great Park Ice
Learn to Skate / Academy Prep Skaters - if you have never seen a USFS Test Session before, we encourage you to come watch to see what it is like to prepare you to do this someday too! Thank you for being quite while viewing to allow the skaters to remain focused.
AYFSC TEST SESSION PAGEQuestions on All Year FSC? Email allyearfscnewsletter@gmail.com